Tag Archives: Togaf

Systems Thinking and how the TOGAF® Standard can help ?

There are many a times when you went to give your cell phone for a repair and the company just charged you for fixing an issue with the UI but opened up a whole new issue of now the battery drains faster.

We shall look at Systems Thinking and why is it important for Senior IT professionals and architects.

Basic Tenets of Systems Thinking :

Improving the performance of the parts of a system taken separately will not necessarily improve the performance of the whole; in fact, it may harm the whole.
Problems are not disciplinary in nature but are holistic.
The best thing that can be done to a problem is not to solve it but to dissolve it.

We should look at systems as a whole as opposed to solving problems in bits and pieces. It is also about defining the problem as many a times if the problem definition
is not correct then we end up solving the wrong problem. In any enterprise product or solution we need to understand the issue that the system has many perspectives to it
many norms / rules that apply to them and we need to see how the problem manifests in its entirety and not in isolation.

For Example if a man wants to be healthy and loose weight get him to a treadmill is an easy reply. But if you need to see how he wants to really loose weight the healthy
way then we need to checks his DNA for obesity issues, health checks , his food habits , his neighborhood, work life patterns and how all of this in its interplay helps him to loose weight
holistically.This is what gets ignored in traditional symptomatic treatment of issues usually achieved by procedural thinking.

On the same lines when you need to look at the architecture of a product or a solution then we need to look at it as a whole and not in parts.

Architecture has many dimensions enterprise , business , data , application , technology . Viewed from an other perspective it has a logical and physical part to it such as abstract and concrete , logical and physical , generic to specific , expandable to bespoke architects , highly portable to built for a specific platform . The list goes on….

Amidst all of these conflicting stakes what is the best way to look at your architecture as a whole by look at the parts in relation with the whole. TOGAF® Framework as an EA framework helps you on thinking these lines on how various architectural concerns make up one big picture.

An EA framework helps you to compartmentalize the concerns while being focussed on the organizational end goal. This way you can look at the whole while tending to the parts.

A logging framework needs to enhance the performance and decides to encrypt the data on the wire but performance can be compromised if the tradeoffs are not looked at.
A product where user experience is made more intutive but not has the issue of maintainence overheads which are highly unfavorable.
A product that works well but does not have enough market traction or rather does not promise customer experience.

The laundry list can go on if you do not think on Systems Thinking as a means to fix this.

What is your experience here on such situations where you had to look at the product or solution as a whole.

PS : “There are no separate systems. The world is a continuum. Where to draw a boundary around a system depends on the purpose of the discussion.” ― Donella H. Meadows



Why you Should Take This Course:

TOGAF® has become the defacto certification for Architects for aligning business with IT. The numbers speak for themselves with increasing number of people getting certified every year across the world. It is an acronym for “The Open Group Architecture Framework” – It is the industry-standard methodology and framework for performing EA work and is used by a whole lot of IT professionals Architects and consultants across various organizations. The body of knowledge is quite useful and a must have for any seasoned IT professional and sets the stage for success with enterprise transformations.

Many a business and digital transformation initiatives need this body of knowledge to ensure that people in charge of such initiatives understand the nuances of transformations where a combination of people, process and technology skills in the right proportion can ensure continued success.

Agility and Architecture are two wheels that makes an organization move ahead when in balance. What is the right balance to have them work for your organization? How can you balance it and at the same time achieve business results, transformations and even simple align your organization IT goals in the right direction. The workshop will help one understand how to engage these two concerns in any organizations.

What is the TOGAF® Specification?

TOGAF® as a framework can be explained in short as a methodology that can help one to manage your architecture while moving from AS IS to TO BE state in your product or solution. AS IS can be anything progress from your current IT landscape. You can be in anywhere on your journey towards accomplishing your mission and how do you go towards getting there all the while caring about agility and not taking your eye off on the milestones and cost.

As can be known from experience there can be no single silver bullet to IT transformations, each customer is a case study in itself. The larger the portfolio, the more difficult it is to straight jacket it into a group. Experience comes by walking alongside the customer. A lot of case studies shall augment the accredited workshop from Eturnti Enterprise Consulting and our testimonials vouch for the same. TOGAF® standard exposes architects to a methodology which mature organizations have used as a tried and tested best practice and have earned value. Many of the companies in the fortune list have used it extensively and have tailored them to suit their stack and solve their pain points, issues.

You will be able to mix agility and know how architecture relates to it. Very useful for a solution architect, enterprise architect as you move along your career path and how to apply the TOGAF® EA framework in practice. Practical knowledge of the TOGAF®  framework and help you with clearing the TOGAF® Certification and become a Certified Architect from the Open Group. A case study will run through the course which will help get the practical side of using and tailoring the TOGAF®  standard for your organization

TOGAF® 9 Certified delivered by Eturnti is a course accredited by The Open Group.

TOGAF® is a registered trademark of the Open Group. All rights reserved.


The Buzz about TOGAF® Framework as an essential Transformation Framework tool kit for Architects






Just saw the above job ad from my linkedin feed and this one talks about the company needing a security with a T skill profile.  Meaning have deep dive skills in one or two areas and broad based skills in other areas. Togaf that way has been mixed and matched with other architect skills like Security , Infra , Business , Data , Domain , Functional , Technology architecture domains. This helps a professional have a broad based skill or outlook when they reach a certain career progression path. So one typically gets into the question of what is needed to be an architect . Here is a link on what would be needed to become a good architect for the ones who may want to make that career progression. Steps to transition into an architect path .

The ancient definition of an architect was that he/she should be a many of letters , arts , science , literature , music , architecture ( building / landscape ) etc. Meaning that you should be a Da Vinci to really have that title. But it is not that bad if you are planning to become a solution , IT or enterprise architect. As we all can’t be Da Vinci’s to fill that slot.

If you are wanting to make that transition happen or be exposed to that body of knowledge to help you with having an architect’s mindset then TOGAF® framework comes to the rescue.

Mind you it is not really needed to have a certification to become a good architect. But certifications expose one to a body of knowledge that companies and peers value. You may possess this knowledge by virtue of being in a certain role or vantage point in a company.

Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. Scott Adams


What does Car Service and Architecture Compliance reviews have in common ?

I had given my car for a service recently and it so happened that I was driving it around the city for couple of days post the service. Was getting a wobbling feeling on the left front wheel of the vehicle  it then occurred to me that there could be something that could be a problem on that side of the wheel.Took the vehicle back to the car clinic only to find that the wheel post service as fixed back in place using only two nuts out of the four . It was lucky to have noticed it at least at that point of time. Did advice the floor manager to put back the wheel tightening part in the vehicle checklist before commissioning the vehicle that it is fit for the roads. It was an eye opener for the importance of having set rules and checklist for anything in your life , be it planning a trip with friends and family , checking items off your to do list or even it that means delivering software or architecture the right way.  A checklist’s value is immense and is only known when you have missed something in the case of the car the crucial wheel nuts itself . As we could see that the lynch pin if it goes missing then it can be life threatening. Similar is the case with creating a product or a service , it can be mission critical if you miss that important nut or bolt that shall latch the end product.

Let’s us look at the above process which is detailed as a part of the Open Group Togaf which talks about creating an architecture compliance review process . As you can see the whole process starts off by having an architecture lead who leads the process and continues the whole chain of activities in between looks at a checklist to see all the nuts and bolts are in place and tight.

So What can be few of the checklist

  1. Hardware and Operating System Checklist
  • How does the system design impact or involve end-user devices?
  • What is the quantity and distribution (regional and global) of usage, data storage, and processing?
  • What applications are affinitized with your project by similarities in data, application services, etc.? To what degree is data affinitized with your project?
  1. Software Services and Middleware Checklist
  2. Applications Checklist
  3. Security Scrutiny Checklist
  4. System Engineering Methods and Tools Checklist.
  5. Application Integration Checklist….etc 


So what is your story around checklist . We all agree that they are the must have in an software professional’s toolkit.

Self Paced Elearning- Agile Enterprise Architecture for the Digital World














Agile Enterprise Architecture Essentials. What is Agile Enterprise Architecture? How to apply and relate to this in your organization ?

Architect there are many types which one are you ? What is your aspiration ?

What does it take to become an Enterprise Architect with agility in all your interactions and touchpoints? What key skills and frameworks are in use ? What tools and methodologies are in use and how you can leverage them effectively ?
Build your organizational specific EA story. Evaluating Architecture trade off decisions and arriving at a best fit architecture. Covering EA and its practice with real life examples on how to leverage EA in your organization.

Learning Objective:

• Enterprise Architecture and how to practice it ?

• What skills to learn and how to apply EA skills at work and add value?

• Overview of various popular frameworks and its application.

• How to do architectural trade off decisions.

• How to practice EA and how to apply them to real life situations.

• How to prioritize architectural roadmap items and drive decisions?

• Build an EA story that suits your organization and the one that works for you.


Basic Understanding of Architecture, Familiarity of having worked in either a big or small software project and passion for architecture and to do things better. Have used architecture / design principles in the course of work helps.


Agility and Architecture are two wheels that makes an organization move ahead when in balance. What is the right balance to have them work for your organization? How can you balance it and at the same time achieve business results, transformations and even simple align your organization goals in the right direction.

Course Takeaways:

You will be able to mix agility and know how architecture relates to it. Very useful for a solution architect, enterprise architect as you move along your career path and how to apply Togaf EA framework in practice. Practical knowledge of TOGAF 9.1 and help you with clearing the TOGAF Certification and become a TOGAF 9.1 Certified Architect. A case study will run through the course which will help get the practical side of using and tailoring TOGAF 9.1 for your organization.

Who Should Attend:

Course Content:
Module Leads,
Business analysts,
Project Managers,
Managers working on enterprise architecture projects,
Business Leaders in transformational roles,
IT Architects , Solution Architects
Integration folks in client facing roles,
IT professionals wanting to become IT, Software and Enterprise Architects.
1. Enterprise Architecture and Agility
2. TOGAF 9.1 and Real World Application
3. TOGAF 9.1 Tools and Techniques
4. TOGAF with other frameworks
5. TOGAF Customization
6. Become TOGAF Certified Practioner
7. ADM and how architecture is iterated and developed.

Detailed Outline

Workshop Objective:

* The objective is to help the participants understand Enterprise Architecture and TOGAF for its practical application.
* How to align the business and IT aspects of your organization together?
* Understand TOGAF 9.1 and how it can be tailored for an Organization.
* How to go from strategy to execution when posed with having to find a solution to a customer problem?
* Basics of Architecture Frameworks (Zachman / Togaf) and how to apply them.
* How to dive deep from Enterprise Architecture to Solution Architecture.
* Architecture and Design how to apply them to practical scenarios.
* Solution Architecture and how to custom tailor solutions based on customer needs.
* Requirements Prioritization for an Architect.
* Agility and an Architect. How much architecture is just needed for the hour and how much later?
* Project Management essentials for an Architect…

Learning Objective:

• Enterprise Architecture and how to practice it ?

• What skills to learn and how to apply EA skills at work and add value?

• Overview of various popular frameworks and its application.

• How to do architectural trade off decisions.

• How to practice EA and how to apply them to real life situations.

• How to prioritize architectural roadmap items and drive decisions?

• Build an EA story that suits your organization and the one that works for you.

Request for a quote : Individuals or Corporates looking forward for this course please send a mail to maileturnti@eturnti.com .

Will there by a participation certification ?  

Yes there shall be a participation certification acknowledging on the concepts learned.