Tag Archives: agility

Put your Release and Build Team to Sleep….DevOps is here



With a backdrop of the traditional waterfall mechanisms of project management, build and release was always pushed aside as the last but one activity before cutting the CD / testing certification of the software. The last mile as it was referred to this although was the last step in the journey towards a software delivery it would remind one of the famous lines the “Journey has just begun”.

Although this was the last step supposedly to be taking 20% or less of the actual effort it generally would be the other way around , taking a significant effort and often not scoped in estimates and it was quite OK to do so till recently. Start the blame game and developers blaming QA and vice versa and everyone including the other teams would take potshots at each other and say their part worked fine but the had issues in the final integration. All of this started to be stage managed with late nights and weekends going into getting all pieces talking to each other is all very familiar with traditional methods in place.

What next ?

There are some best practices such as the following that are being followed where everything is continuous meaning

Continuous Delivery
Continuous Integration
Continuous Deployment

What all of this means in short is every time you change any part of the product the whole SWAT team runs behind the scenes to check if all is OK with the system. Now if someone were to check in something that breaks the system then it needs to be fixed then and there. Have seen that code needs to be fixed corrected by the erring developer/team by the same night. There are protocols like call the guy involved to get it right and ensure only code that is working is checked in . All of this boils down to the Agile concept of everything that is checked in is tested and fit for deployment into production post a formal QA team blessing the product. But otherwise the usual suspects are nailed down early and the QA goes on to find the more grueling aspects of the product committed features which have escaped the unit testing/TDD iterations.

If something out here still finds its way to the bug tracker then the developer needs to take care of UNIT TESTING / TDD best practices on ensuring his/her code works well under all circumstances and integrates with all the surround infrastructure and allied pieces of software. Software ownership and craftsmanship are truly enforced here as this goes in a loop till the process achieves some predictability on the process.


DevOps in a five line code snippet for starters.