Self Paced Learning

Firstly say No to SQL These days with the popularity of No SQL / No UML and everything No which
Enterprise Architect is a business man meaning should understand the cost implications involved in running software enterprises end to end.
Open Source and EA meet and merge. The first one is obviously less cost and EA projects are spread across
To follow the path: look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master. This Zen like statement sums up the people following men on the social sites
  Most often best practices are hard to follow and often questioned on the rationale behind the same. Recently I
Attended the Great Indian Developer Summit the GIDS Edge and GIDS Tutorial Sessions In Bangalore. Attending this means going to
Cloud is where all of us reside literally/virtually and eventually. Most of our data including our private and public moments
Although the venn diagram shows the buy v/s build concerns in reality software has many interfaces and sides that a
What does it take to turn your enterprise around ? There are umpteen number of things being discussed on this