Self Paced Learning

Was at the open group conference at Bangalore and spoke on "Enterprise Architecture and Keeping your business relevant". Was off
Key Take Aways from the Presentation How to relate to Enterprise Architecture Frameworks such as Togaf and Zachmann and make
At the outset wishing friends , well wishers , clients , customers , contacts on linkedIn and twitter ,colleagues and
Most often in projects we need to make crucial decisions when there is a need to freeze upon a standard
SOA or same old architecture in other words is nothing new for people who have been using the concepts embedded
Most often in Organizations we have a crucial process that most often is referred to as governance or project monitoring
There are multiple questions that come up when we think about the NFRs in our product or solution. The normal
This question is more like you what if you were asked to sign for two rival organisations one pitted against
Cost benefit analysis is a good tool to estimate the ROI based on investment in software. It is a simple
Balanced Scorecard is a effective technique to monitor and set strategic goals for Organisation. It has endured twenty years of