Self Paced Learning

  As IT professional’s architects it is said that we belong to more left brain types meaning involved in logical,
Quite often get this query from most IT professionals as to what areas should I upgrade my skills to. The
There are many a times when you went to give your cell phone for a repair and the company just
Wanted to introduce an agile architecture tip here. People talk of agility all the while but a lot of best
          Just saw the above job ad from my linkedin feed and this one talks about the
I had given my car for a service recently and it so happened that I was driving it around the
I am attending a Cloud security standards industry meeting today evening on how to harmonize the cloud with a lot
This is to bring to your notice that elearning for Togaf has been introduced by Eturnti . This helps you
This topic came to my mind while I was chatting with my cousin over the weekend who was presenting on
This week here is sending you some thoughts on whether an architect needs to be a specialist or a generalist