Business Analysis Training


Business Analysis Essentials. What is business analysis ? How to apply it and apply it for your specific project , problem or domain. Use the same body of knowledge across diverse domains. How to learn and analyze any domain and be good at it. What does it take to be one ? What tools , methods , frameworks do you need on your side before entering exploring new domains and frontiers of ever increasing amounts of knowledge. How do you pick what you need ? How do you pick signal from the noise and how do you present it to your stakeholders well.

Learning Objective:

  • Apply it in your day to day work while working on multiple domains( banking/health care/medical)
  • Learn methods , tools and frameworks and the body of knowledge that a BA is expected to know.
  • How do you brain storming anything and use it at customer interactions and team meetings.
  • How well do you meet and bridge business requirements and convey it to developers ?
  • Are you bridging the business/IT divide or caught in the intersection of the two ?
  • What is your diagramming practice ? Do you use proven modelling techniques ?
  • Executive chef v/s home cook how do you hone your skills and place emphasis on superior delivery.

Target Audience: Formal background in IT, Management professionals . People aspiring to be business analysts , requirement gatherers, product management people and any one who thinks that they may need to wear a BA’s hat at times or all the while.

Course Content:

The course can be tailored based on the profiles of the group of people attending the course.

Day 1

What is Business Analysis ?
Business Analyst role across various project phases and artifacts generated.
Business Analyst In the Agile world and other wise.
Class Exercise – Requirement Analysis Workshop
End User Requirement Analysis and the Business Analyst.
Using OO for Requirement Analysis and the Business Analyst’s role
Must have Tools in a BA’s kitty.
Class Exercise – Requirements Prioritization

Day 2

Toolkit for A Business Analyst.
Tactical Business Analysis Tools
Strategic Analysis Tools
Class Exercise – Draw your requirements / Visual tools for requirements presentation
Operational Analysis Tools  
Estimating Work Units and Story Points.
Class Exercise estimation using story points

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